متن reading سطح متوسط

یکی از موثرترین روش‌های یادگیری مهارت خواندن در زبان انگلیسی، مطالعه متن Reading سطح متوسط و مبتدی است. در واقع، انتخاب کردن متن یا داستان‌هایی که با سطح دانش زبانی شما همخوانی داشته باشد، به شما کمک می‌کند تا علاوه بر تقویت واژگان و گرامر، از خواندن داستان‌های انگلیسی متنوع لذت ببرید. در ادامه دو متن ریدینگ را به همراه…

فهرست محتوا

متن reading سطح متوسط
تیم تحریریه لرنیت
3 ماه قبل
5 از 1 رای

یکی از موثرترین روش‌های یادگیری مهارت خواندن در زبان انگلیسی، مطالعه متن Reading سطح متوسط و مبتدی است. در واقع، انتخاب کردن متن یا داستان‌هایی که با سطح دانش زبانی شما همخوانی داشته باشد، به شما کمک می‌کند تا علاوه بر تقویت واژگان و گرامر، از خواندن داستان‌های انگلیسی متنوع لذت ببرید.

در ادامه دو متن ریدینگ را به همراه سوالات مرتبط به آن برایتان آورده‌ایم، تا با خواندن آن‌ها، دایره واژگان و گرامری خود را تقویت کنید.

متن reading سطح متوسط به همراه سوالات

Learn About The History of The Humble Potato

Potatoes were first grown for food in South America thousands of years ago. People found a way to preserve them by leaving them out at night in the cold and then warming them in the sun the following day. During the day, the potatoes were crushed by stamping on them. After doing this for five days, a potato pulp was made which could be stored and kept for up to ten years in case crops failed.

In 1532 Spanish traders, who had been searching for gold, brought potatoes back from South America and used them on board ships as food. It was not long before farmers in Spain began to grow them as crops and the potato spread across the rest of Europe. They were viewed with suspicion, however, and many people thought they weren’t suitable for humans to eat, partly because of their odd shape. In some places, they were grown just as food for animals.

There are different opinions about how the potato came to Britain in the late 1500s. One view is that Spanish fishermen ate potatoes on their fishing trips to the North Sea. On their way home, they would land in Ireland to put salt on fish they had caught to stop it rotting. It is believed that the sailors gave some of their potatoes to the farmers who grew them in the rich Irish soil.

Another view is that Sir Walter Raleigh, a British explorer who went to the Americas many times, brought potatoes back to his Irish farm and planted them there. It is said that he gave a potato plant to Queen Elizabeth I of England as a gift, and to celebrate, a royal feast was held to eat the potatoes. Legend has it that the cooks threw away the potatoes and instead served up the boiled stems and leaves (which are poisonous). This made everyone very ill and potatoes were then banned from the royal menu.

Potatoes are very popular today and, despite what some people think, they are also good for you. A baked potato contains a surprisingly large amount of vitamin C – and more fibre than two slices of wholemeal bread. Potatoes also provide carbohydrates and other important nutrients like vitamin B6. They are low in fat too, provided you don’t fry them or add lots of butter!

Potatoes are easy to grow. This makes them a perfect crop for farmers in the developing world, who can grow nutritious food in poor soil. There are plenty of different varieties to choose from and they usually produce a good harvest.

متن reading


  1. How were potatoes preserved by South Americans thousands of years ago?
  2. By boiling them in water.
  3. By freezing and drying them.
  4. By burying them underground .
  5. By cooking them in the sun.

پاسخ: گزینه b. در متن آمده است که سیب ‌زمینی‌ها را شب‌ها در هوای سرد می‌گذاشتند و سپس روز بعد در آفتاب گرم می‌کردند.

  • Why were  potatoes viewed with suspicion in Europe?
  • They were poisonous.
  • They had an odd shape.
  • They grew too fast.
  • They were hard to cook.

پاسخ: گزینه b. در متن آمده است که سیب ‌زمینی‌ها شکل عجیبی داشتند، به همین خاطر بسیاری از مردم فکر می‌کردند که خوردن‌شان برای انسان مناسب نیست.

  • What did Spanish fishermen do with potatoes in Ireland?
  • Sold them in markets.
  • Ate them on their trips.
  • Planted them in poor soil.
  • Gave them to Irish farmers.

پاسخ: گزینه d. متن توضیح می‌دهد که ملوانان اسپانیایی، سیب‌زمینی‌ها را به کشاورزان ایرلندی دادند.

  • What happened during the royal feast?
  • The stems and leaves were cooked.
  • Potatoes were eaten raw.
  • People refused to eat potatoes.
  • Potatoes were fried.

پاسخ: گزینه a. در متن آمده است که بر طبق افسانه‌، آشپزها ساقه‌ها و برگ‌های جوشانده را سرو کردند که باعث بیماری شد و همین موضوع باعث شد که سیب ‌زمینی از منوی سلطنتی حذف شود.

  • What nutrients are found in baked potatoes?
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron

پاسخ: گزینه c. در متن به این مطلب اشاره شده است که یک سیب ‌زمینی پخته حاوی مقدار زیادی ویتامین C است.

  • Why are potatoes considered a good crop for poor soil?
  • They grew quickly
  • They need little water
  • They are nutritious and easy to grow
  • They produce no waste

پاسخ: گزینه c. مغذی و به راحتی قابل کشت است. در متن گفته شده است که سیب‌زمینی برای کشاورزان در خاک‌های فقیر، محصول مغذی و آسانی برای کشت است.

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی سطح متوسط

Anna Finds an Apartment

Reading Comprehension – Short Stories

Anna, her husband Mario, and their four-year-old son, Antonio, just moved to North Carolina.

They need a temporary place to call home until they get settled into their new surroundings.

Right now, they are staying in a hotel not far from Mario’s job.

Anna begins a search for an apartment for the family to live in.

First, Anna picks up an Apartment Book at the local newspaper stand. The Apartment Book contains listings of all the major apartment complexes in her area.

Anna starts by looking at the prices for apartments in the Apartment Book. Then, she reads about the amenities that each apartment complex offers. For example, some apartments have a clubhouse. Some have a gym, which is also called a fitness center. Some have a pool. Some have all of these!

Anna notices that the more amenities an apartment complex has, the more it costs each month. She wants the family’s new apartment to be nice, but she does not want to spend too much money on it. Anna and Mario are trying to save money to buy a house.

After considering prices, amenities, and locations, Anna finds several apartment complexes that she thinks the family will like. Anna calls the apartment complexes. She sets up appointments with the apartment managers to see the apartments she thinks are interesting. Anna makes five phone calls in total.

When Mario gets back to the hotel from work, Anna shows him the list of apartments. “These look good,” he says. The next day, while Mario is at work and Antonio is at daycare, Anna visits the apartment complexes.

She likes the fifth one the best. It is in a good school district. It has a pool, but no fitness center or clubhouse. It is near Mario’s job. Anna hopes to find a job nearby as well.

When Anna gets back to the hotel, she discusses all that she has seen with Mario. They decide to rent the last apartment Anna saw.

The next day, Anna calls the manager of the apartment complex with the news. The manager asks Anna and Mario to sign a lease and pay a security deposit. If the family damages the apartment in any way while they are living there, the security deposit will help to pay for the cost of repairs.

Anna and Mario sign a lease and pay the money. The manager asks them when they plan to move in and Anna looks up at Mario. He looks back at her for a moment and then tells the manager, “In a few days.”

Finally, they have a place to stay.

داستان انگلیسی سطح متوسط


1) What kind of book does Anna get?

a)  a City Guide Book

b) a Map Book

c) a House Book

d) an Apartment Book

پاسخ: گزینه d صحیح است. در متن آمده است که آنا یک راهنما و کتابچه برمی‌دارد.

2) Where is Anna’s family staying while they look for a place to call home?

a)  in an apartment close to Mario’s work

b)  at an apartment next to Antonio’s school

C) in Anna’s mother’s house

 d) in a hotel near Mario’s work.

پاسخ: گزینه d صحیح است. متن توضیح می‌دهد که آن‌ها در هتلی نه چندان دور در محل کار ماریو اقامت دارند.

3) What does Anna realize as she looks through the Apartment Book?

a) that the nicest apartments are far away

b) that all the apartments are small and cramped

c) that it is easy to find a nice apartment in a good school district

d)  that the number of amenities is related to cost.

پاسخ: گزینه d صحیح است. آنا متوجه می‌شود که هر چقدر یک مجتمع آپارتمانی امکانات بیشتری داشته باشد، قیمت آن به تبع بیشتر خواهد شد. بنابراین، تعداد امکانات با هزینه به همدیگر مرتبط هستند.

4) Why doesn’t Anna want to spend too much money on an apartment?

a) Her husband will get upset.

 b) She does not have the money.

c) ) She wants to save money for a house.

d) She cannot find one she likes.

پاسخ: گزینه c  صحیح است. آنا در واقع می‌خواهد آپارتمان جدید برای خانواده خوب باشد، اما از سوی دیگر، نمی‌خواهد پول زیادی برای آن خرج کند. در حقیقت، آنا و ماریو در تلاش هستند که پول پس‌انداز کنند و خودشان خانه‌ای بخرند.

5) As described in the beginning of the story, which of the following is not mentioned as an amenity?

a) carpet

b) clubhouse

c) fitness center

d) pool

پاسخ: گزینه a صحیح است. در متن تنها به فرش اشاره‌ای نشده است.

6) Where is Antonio while Anna looks at apartments?

a) at daycare

b) at the hotel

 c) at school

d) at work

پاسخ: گزینه a صحیح است. در متن می‌خوانیم که وقتی ماریو سرکار است و آنتونیو در مهدکودک، آنا به بازدید از مجتمع‌های آپارتمانی می‌رود.

7) As described in the middle of the story, what does it mean to consider something?

a) to rent it

b) to think about it

c) to make it happen

d) to read a book about it

پاسخ: گزینه b صحیح است. در بخشی از متن می‌خوانیم که آنا برای انتخاب آپارتمان‌هایی که می‌خواهد از آن‌ها بازدید کند، قیمت، امکانات و موقعیت‌ها را در نظر می‌گیرد.

8) When will the family move into their new apartment?

a) the next day

b) at the first of the month

c) in three or four days

d) in just over a week

پاسخ: گزینه c صحیح است. در جایی از متن می‌خوانیم که مدیر از آن‌ها می‌پرسد که چه زمانی قصد دارند وارد آپارتمان شوند و آنا به ماریو نگاه می‌کند. او مدتی نگاهش را به ماریو می‌دوزد و بعد از آن پاسخ می‌دهد: چند روز. چند به معنای تعداد کمی است. بنابراین، سه یا چهار روز در مقایسه با بقیه گزینه‌ها مناسب‌تر است.

9) As used at the end of the story, which is the best description of a security deposit?

a) money given to landlord to pay for amenities

b) money given to landlord to pay for utilities and telephone

c) money given to landlord to prove the tenant can pay rent on time

 d) money given to the landlord to pay for any damage to the apartment

پاسخ: گزینه d صحیح است. در متن این توضیح آمده است که مدیر از آنا و ماریو می‌خواهد که قرارداد اجاره را امضا کنند و مبلغی به عنوان ودیعه بگذارند تا اگر خانواده در حین اقامت در آپارتمان به آنجا آسیبی رساند، مبلغ ودیعه برای پرداخت هزینه تعمیرات استفاده شود.

اگر به دنبال متن reading سطح متوسط و آموزش زبان انگلیسی آنلاین هستین، به اپلیکیشن لرنیت سر بزنید که متن‌های زیادی را برای شما آماده کرده‌اند تا یادگیری سریعی را داشته باشید.

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